T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Hat, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Boy, Male, Teen

Elena Bandini,
Supply Value Chain Intern

I'm Elena, originally from Italy. Back in 2016, I made a bold decision to embark on a year-long adventure as an au pair in the Netherlands. Little did I know that this experience would steal my heart and keep me rooted in Amsterdam for the past seven years. Over the years, I've gained valuable work experience in the retail industry, primarily with Tommy Jeans, where I've dedicated almost six years of my career. Currently, I'm in the final year of my International Business program at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Throughout my academic journey, I specialized in Global Trade and Supply Chain Management, which has prepared me for an incredible opportunity to intern at PVH in the Supply Value Chain Transformation department.

Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Dimples, Neck, Adult, Female, Woman
Flower, Flower Arrangement, Blazer, Coat, Jacket, Flower Bouquet, Pants, Potted Plant, Table, Person

From the Tommy Hilfiger store to Supply Value Chain.

The Supply Value Chain Transformation team drives impactful projects in the upstream supply chain. Our primary objective is to enhance supply chain and product traceability through the implementation of certifications and traceability technologies. We also strive to establish more efficient digital product development platforms and ensure the integrity of our data. Throughout my six-month internship with SVC-T, I had the privilege of working on my thesis project. The focus of my research was to analyze and identify areas where PVH could improve its data collection process to effectively gather traceability data and align with the upcoming EU regulations. Additionally, I had the chance of supporting the traceability sub-team by conducting in-depth research on the competitors' initiatives towards traceability to identify best practices, gaps and innovations. Furthermore, I supported the team with creating a Vendor Certification KPI framework to measure the success of our vendor certification initiatives.

What does a typical day
look like?

A typical day at the office begins around 9 am, where I start the day by grabbing a much-needed cup of coffee. I dive into my thesis work and tackle various tasks while also attending meetings with the team. Around noon, it's time for lunch break, and I enjoy this opportunity to bond with my colleagues as we head out together. Building connections and expanding my network has been a priority during my internship, so I often schedule coffee meetings with colleagues from different teams to gain insights into their roles and experiences. During the afternoon, I focus on completing any remaining tasks and as the clock strikes 5 pm, it's time to wrap up the day and head home.

Computer, Electronics, Laptop, Pc, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Indoors, Furniture
Groupshot, Person, Adult, Female, Woman, People, College, Male, Man, Glasses

I gained valuable insights into what truly matters in my journey.

The team I had the privilege of working with over the past few months has been an incredible source of mentorship. Their guidance and support have played an essential role in shaping both my professional and personal growth. Through their stories, experience, and encouragement, I have gained valuable insights into what truly matters in my journey. Moreover, we have also had the opportunity to build strong connections beyond our professional responsibilities. Whether it was grabbing a coffee, sharing a meal, or engaging in team-building activities, these moments of bonding have helped me form lasting connections that go beyond work. I am immensely grateful to each and every member of the team for their mentorship, support, and the genuine bond we have formed.

Favorite event.

One of the things I loved the most during my internships were the great activities and events that the company organized. Among them, a memorable highlight was the Women's Day celebration. To celebrate this special occasion, the company hosted a stand-up comedy show right at our office. The show was super fun and entertaining. Little did I know that I would unexpectedly be called up on stage to participate in one of the segments! It was an absolute blast.

Favorite Campus Spot

One of my favorite spots on campus is the Bel Bar. This is because it's a vibrant place where people gather to socialize and enjoy various events. From engaging Q&A sessions to exciting pub quizzes, and even the beloved Thursday drinks, the Bel Bar offers a dynamic and welcoming atmosphere for everyone.

People, Person, Adult, Female, Woman, Table, Fun, Party, Urban, Man

Biggest learning.

During my internship not only did I acquire knowledge and skills, but I also gained a new perspective on my own career path. Throughout my life, I have often felt uncertain and insecure about what I truly want to pursue. However, hearing diverse stories and learning about the unique paths that individuals have taken to reach their current positions has been truly inspiring. This internship experience has taught me that there is no single formula or predefined path. Therefore, I have learnt that it is essential to embrace my own individuality and this realization has given me more confidence to take risks, embark on new adventures, embrace the unknown, and create my own unique path.

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