T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Hat, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Boy, Male, Teen

Gleb Ludin,
Business Control Analyst Intern

My name is Gleb Iudin, I am an Erasmus University student. I have been living in the Netherlands since 2021 and I have recently finished the second year of my Bachelor program. I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia and have finished an IB program there. During this program I have learnt Business and Economics, so I decided to study international business administration at the Erasmus University. This is my first internship, but before I started working in PVH I have worked for ThuisBezorgd for 10 months as a delivery driver. I will finish my bachelor’s program next year and after that I want to pursue a master’s degree in finance.

Face, Head, Neck, Person, Portrait, Shirt, Adult, Male, Man, Hair

Working with the EMEA markets,
performing checks and analyzing data.

I have worked in PVH as a Business Control Analyst intern since February 2023. My team is responsible for controlling – we communicate with the EMEA markets, perform various checks and analyze the data we receive. My role includes various tasks and projects – sending out CAPEX templates, KPQ templates and instructions to the markets, stores profitability analysis, analysis of re-estimations, divisional mix of sales and many others. Almost always I use Excel or tableau reports to perform my tasks. During my internship I have worked on various larger projects – some of them were individual, but some of them were done with my colleagues.

What does a typical day
look like?

Typically, if I work from the office, I start working around 9:30. I start by performing some daily tasks, after that I usually participate in a meeting. At 12:30 I go to lunch and at 13:30 I am back at my table where I work on some projects or more regular tasks. At 14:00 I have a meeting with my mentor where we discuss the current tasks and plans. These meetings help me a lot as they help me to understand the work better and I know what I should expect. I usually finish my work around 17:30 and go home.


Number, Symbol, Text, Christmas, Christmas Decorations, Festival
Pants, Groupshot, Person, People, Jeans, Skirt, Interior Design, Female, Girl, Teen

My colleagues really helped me with my tasks and my projects.

The main person that helped me during my internship is my mentor – Business Controller. She was the one that showed me most of the tasks and processes during this internship. However, during my internship I have worked with many other people, mostly from my team. These people really helped me with my tasks and my projects.

Favorite event.

The main event that I enjoyed was a workshop with previous interns. This activity helped me to hear how it was for them and how they were able to come back to PVH. It was interesting to hear their experiences of re-entering PVH and seeing which responsibilities they have now compared to when they were interns.

Favorite Campus Spot

My favorite spot on campus is the restaurant as it provides decent and tasty meals at a cheap price. I always going there during my lunch break as I like the food provided. Sometimes I go to the Deli, but most of the time I have lunch in the restaurant.

Cooking, Food, Pouring Food, Beverage, Coffee, Coffee Cup, Latte Art

Biggest learning.

My biggest learning from my internship, besides technical skills necessary for a business control analyst, is working in the team with different people with various backgrounds. I have learned the importance of collaboration and communication. I have learnt that it is much easier to work if you can properly communicate with your team members and how the workload can be split efficiently. Generally, this internship has shown me that it is important to ask other people to perform better and that it is much easier to work if you constantly communicate with your colleagues on the progress of the work

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