T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Hat, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Boy, Male, Teen

Birsu Obalar,
Talent Acquisition Intern

My journey to where I am today has been full of personal choices, different experiences, and continuing to pursue opportunities for growth. It all began when I made the decision at the age of 18. I wanted to pursue my bachelor's degree abroad in the Netherlands. As I was navigating my way to the university, COVID-19 happened. Like many others, I found myself returning home during this challenging period. After the COVID-19 period, I decided to pursue a master’s degree in social, Health, and Organisational Psychology at Utrecht University. To finish my degree, I had to do an internship. I stumbled upon the internship position on LinkedIn, and I applied not knowing what I should expect. The interview process further fueled my excitement and confidence, as I poured my heart and soul into showcasing my abilities and passion. Days later, a call filled with promising news, confirmed that my dedication and hard work had paid off!

Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Dimples, Clothing, Coat
Building, Furniture, Indoors, Lounge, Couch, Foyer, Lamp, Chair, Living Room, Room

My team brings together our exceptional workforce.

In my role, I contribute to everything related to recruitment. From the branding of the company to the recruitment of top-tier talent, my responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks that directly impact the individuals you see all around the HQ. Essentially, my team scouts and brings together the exceptional individuals who make up our workforce. 
The TA internship involved a rotation through the three departments: Operations, Recruitment, and Employer Branding. Over the course of my internship, I spent two months in each function, had the chance to do work in many different projects and collaborate with different people.

What does a typical day
look like?

In the morning, I would either set up my workplace or get coffee with colleagues when I am in the office. Soon after, we would have team meetings or meetings related to projects. Behind the scenes, you had to constantly reprioritize different tasks at a time. So some days, it would be slower and other days it could be quite hectic to go through. At lunchtime, we would either go to the Deli or to the restaurant and enjoy some quality time with the team or the interns. After lunch, I usually had meetings related to ongoing projects or had the time to work on those projects.

Number, Symbol, Text, Christmas, Christmas Decorations, Festival
Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, People, Laughing, Adult, Female, Woman

An atmosphere I missed when I was working at home.

During my internship, I had the privilege of collaborating with many different individuals. Without a doubt, it was my team that truly took my internship experience to the next level. The synergy within my team was one of the driving forces of my journey. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I looked forward to stepping into the office, engaging, and interacting with my team members. The joy and laughter that was in the workplace whenever we were together created an atmosphere that I missed when I was working remotely. Whenever I worked on a project, the team would support me, give me feedback, and make sure that I am on the road to succeed.

Favorite event.

It is so hard to choose just one event when we had the chance to join many! My favorite would be the Fashion Frontier Challenge. We got to see amazing presentations live, had a chance to vote for the winners, and saw Tommy Hilfiger! This was 2-3 weeks after we started the internship. I thought it was unbelievable that we got seats to this special event with other interns. From that moment, I knew I was in for a ride!

Favorite Campus Spot

I LOVE the Bel Bar. You get to interact with colleagues while watching the beautiful view Amsterdam has to offer. Whether it be Thursday drinks at the office or just a morning coffee run with the team, meeting with the interns, the Bel bar has my heart.

Brunch, Food, Beverage, Coffee, Coffee Cup, Furniture, Table, Tabletop

Biggest learning.

Embarking on my journey at PVH has been an incredible experience that has left me with many valuable lessons. Among the many insights I've gained, one lesson that stands out to me is: the power of networking. Within the dynamic environment of PVH, I quickly discovered that my ambitions were not only recognized but also nurtured by my team and managers. From mastering the art of e-mails to taking on impactful projects, I was given a lot of opportunities to take ownership and showcase my abilities. The remarkable support and encouragement I received from my colleagues reinforced the belief that when you demonstrate your drive and determination to those around you, their support becomes the catalyst for your success. This invaluable experience has not only propelled my personal growth but has also paved the way for a promising future career.

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